The Company
Monico Limited was established in 1985. Since its inception the firm has been providing quality Services in various sectors of Bangladesh. By now it has gained a high position in the construction industry with an enviable reputation because of honest, sincere, reliable and quality services in Roads & Highways, Bridges, regulatory Structures, Land Development, Multi-storied Residential Buildings, Industrial Buildings, Pre-fabricated Buildings, Irrigation and Flood Control Projects.

SASEC-II: Improvement of Road & Performance Based Maintenance Works from Banani (Bogra) to Mokamtala (25.3km) to a 4-Lane Highway along with Slow Moving Vehicular Traffic (SMVT) Lane on both sides & Structures -Package WP-09 [SASEC-II/ICB/MP-2/WP 09 (LOT 3)].
ROAD: Construction of Lebukhali-Rampur-Mirzaganj Link Road [4-Lane Road (Package-B)]
ROAD: Construction of Lebukhali-Rampur-Mirzaganj Link Road [4-Lane Road (Package-G)].
ROAD: Construction of Lebukhali-Rampur-Mirzaganj Link Road [2-Lane Road & 4-Lane Road (Package-G)]

OR’s Qtr: Construction of 1 x 112 OR’s Qtr (15 Storey with 15 Storied Foundation) incl ancillary works for Establishment of 99 Composite Brigade for safety and security of Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project at Srinagar, Munshiganj (Group-I).
Or’s Qtr: Construction of 1 x 104 Mrd Or’s Qtr (14 Storey with 14 Storied fdn, 8 flats in each floor, other facilities in ground floor) including ancillary works in Shaheed Mostafa Kamal line area for sta HQ at Dhaka Cantt (2nd Phase)
CAP: Construction of 1 x Cantt Public School & College (5 storey with 6 storied foundation) including ancillary works for Establishment of 99 Composite Brigade for safety and security of Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project at Janzira, Shariatpur
CMH: Construction of 300 Bed Combined Military Hospital (CMH) (06 Storey with 10 Storied Foundation) including ancillary works at Sylhet Cantt. (1st phase)
BUSMC: Construction of 1 x SM BK (6 storey with 6 storied fdn) including internal/external works and CH/DH & Recreation room for 10 NCO’s & 200 Sainik for SSD at Bir Uttam Shaheed Mahbub Cantt (1st Phase)
Or’s Qtr: Construction of 1 x 104 Mrd Or’s Qtr (14 Storey with 14 Storied fdn, 8 flats in each floor, other facilities in ground floor) including ancillary works in Shaheed Mostafa Kamal line area for sta HQ at Dhaka Cantt (3rd Phase)

Bridge & Culvert.
BRIDGE: Reconstruction of 4 nos. small-to-medium size bridges along with the approach roads and installation of axle load control station at Benapole on AH1 (Benapole-Narail-Bhanga Road)-Package A2.
BRIDGE: Construction of 1X Bridge Over Canal Beside Navy Gate at Chainage 10+872 Km to 10+918.13 Km of Excavation and Development of 100′ wide Khal along both side of Purbachal Link Road. Bridge Over Canal No- 03A (NASA)
BRIDGE: Construction of 3X Bridges Over Canal along both side of the 300’ Link Road of “Excavation and Development of 100′ wide Khal along both side of Purbachal Link Road.>

CDPL: Pipeline Laying and Installation Works between the Range TP-140 to TP-230 (Length= 31.249Km, Section-II) for Transportation of Oil Through Pipeline from Chattogram to Dhaka (CDPL) Project.
CDPL: Pipeline Laying and Installation Works between the Range TP-230 to TP-306 (3A-Package) for Transpotation of Oil Through Pipeline from Chattogram to Dhaka (CDPL) Project .
our service
Monico Group Providing The Services
Our Mission
Monico Limited A name carved high on the shield of construction history of Bangladesh, started its journey way back in 1985 with a high hope to see its name aligned with the proud members engaged in building the nation. Ever since it stepped into the world of construction business it never had to hark back despondently for the tasks it completed for, it set such a standard for himself, which, as a matter of fact, describes the core criterion of this business- "the quality" as a line of contour. As a founder member of the organization, I have been watching how Monico started rolling from child hood to boyhood, from boyhood to youth and how it grew stronger as the time progresses through its work and commitment to the nation. The contingent of Monico consists of hundreds of skilled professionals and a great number of those have their pouch full of experience of working in places like Kuwait, Malaysia, Iraq, Srilanka and so on. Any difficult situation they come up against. No matter how dashed it may be, they. with their knowledge and skill. easily fix it up. With these work-forces holding all the limbs of Monico together. it is now standing right on top of this realm where the name Monico entails only one thing- and that is quality .
Shafiqul Alam Bhuiyan
Managing Director
Monico Ltd.
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Engaged In Nation Building Activites
It' Bridge Project
It's Bridge Project
Its Highway Project
Monico Abokash
A vision for your life
Engaged In Nation Building Activites
Monico SAMAD
A vision for your life
Admin Block
A vision for your lifeWant To Work With Us Then Feel Free To Contact Us
Legend person in command for team work
No employer today is independent of those about him. He cannot succeed alone, no matter how great his ability or capital. Business today is more than ever a question of co-operation and Interdependent people combine their own efforts With the efforts of others to achieve their greatest success.
Recent Completed Projects

Construction of Road Embankment, Flexible Pavement, Hard Shoulder, Slope Protection with CC Block & Geo-textiles, 2 nos. RCC Box Culvert and 3 nos. RCC Bridge with Road Appurtenance from Ch. 11+070 to 19+819 of Itna-Mithamain-Austagram Road and Ch. 0+000 to 1+260 of Mithamain Link Road, (Package: WD-02) .
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Construction of 500 meter long PC Girder Bridge over Changee River at 10th Km of Bagaichari-Naniarchar-Longadu Road under Rangamati Road Division, C/O Headquarters Special Work Organization, Chittagong
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Western Bangladesh Bridge Improvement Project (WBBIP)
Contract Package PW-01 for Construction of 19 Nos. Bridges under Rangpur Zone under Western Bangladesh Bridge Improvement Project.
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